Verification & Compliance
For New Zealand companies to sell their products domestically and internationally they must meet the required standards. Examples include electrical safety standards and EMC/EMI compliance for almost every item regardless of function. In addition any intentional transmitter needs to meet the required RF Spectrum and power requirements based on the use and licensing. In addition AC and DC powered items often have to meet power disturbance and immunity requirements and possibly power pollution limits.
If you device has a wireless interface such as Bluetooth, WiFi or cellular then the communications protocol then the ability to communicate with other devices has to be verified. If you have wired interfaces such as Ethernet or USB then these have to be verified electrically as well as for protocol conformance.
RF Test Solutions and our partners can provide the tools for almost every electrical compliance requirement. In particular Ametek Compliance Test is 100% focused on solutions for EMC/EMI and AC/DC electrical power compliance test solutions. Keysight Technologies provide an extensive range of RF Wireless and Wired compliance test solutions as well as EMC pre-compliance and compliance receivers. Microwave Vision Group manufacture RF anechoic test chambers for both military and civilian requirements as well as provide the materials for customers to construct their own test chambers.
Associated Research and SCI provide a complete range of electrical safety test compliance solutions covering the standards for all the required standards including medical equipment.
Please talk to us about any compliance or pre-compliance requirements you have or visit our partners web sites for more information.